
Piee - In Loving Memory-on Dec.5, 2003思い出の記録 [westie Pieechan]

Last year, we closed the home page of "Piee's Home Page". So, we tried to revive the important articles lost.

先代のWestieの名前は、Pieeである。手乗り十姉妹のピーちゃんが死んだ日に、彼女が我が家に来たのでピーと名付けた。英語的にいうと本来は、Peeだろうが、何故かPieeとした。インターネット黎明期で、のんきにメルアドを公開していたので翻訳家の方からPieeはぴえーと読むのか、などとメールでおしかりを受けたり、ドイツ人の少年が自分の姓がPieeだが、その由来を知りたくてGoogle検索(この時初めてGoogleが何か知った)していたら、THE TERRIER CLUBのPieeの記事に行き当たり、メールしてきた。少年は、物心ついたころには両親がおらず、親戚に引き取られているため、どうしても自分の姓のルーツを知りたいという悲しい背景があったように記憶している。
さて、このピーちゃんだが、ご近所の方にもずいぶん愛されていた。2003年彼女が荼毘に付された後も、たくさんの花束や彫刻などをいただいた。ホームページの記事と同じものが、THE TERRIER CLUB!に掲載されていた(Posted on 12-27-03)ことを思い出したので再掲する。

In Loving Memory

Oct.1, 1995 to Dec.5, 2003


We love Piee more than "love".

Piee, you liked the walk better than anything. You liked taking a walk in a neighboring shopping center, or running about on The Urawa Racetrack.

When you were alive, you were more famous for the neighborhood than anyone of my family.

When a walk was taken with you, many people called your name "Hi Piee" here and there.

The floral tribute which mourns for you has been sent from neighboring people since it spent more than 20 days after you passed away.

And it got to know that many people thought of you more than we expected.

Piee, you were loved by many people and many dogs. Your lifetime was happy although it was short.

When we were with you as if everything surrounded us was beautiful.

Mom dreamed of you last night of the Christmas Eve on December 24, Piee, and when she woke up, she felt as if you had been alive.

Oh, why Piee, did you go, leaving us alone?

Although it is lonely, but your spirit will always be by our side.

Thank you, Piee.

Posted By: D. S.


■Pieechan & Piee

*In Loving Memory -Thank you Pieechan*